扇形清洗噴嘴的噴射效果以扇面的形式打開,形成扇形的平面結構進行噴射,如清洗、冷卻、去污、加濕都有較好的效果。 扇形噴霧形式,噴霧形狀邊沿界定十分清楚,精細工藝加工的導流平面提供了均勻的、高沖擊力的噴霧形狀。 噴霧通道大而流暢,減少了阻塞現(xiàn)象。噴霧形狀為多種角度的扇形由于地球重力的影響,會有“邊緣效應”的產生,即噴霧的扇形剖面產生逐漸變細的邊緣噴霧顆粒細小均勻,噴霧顆粒大小中等在多個噴嘴進行布置時,需要有25%~30%的重疊,以使整個方向上的排布均勻。能夠產生多種角度的扇形噴霧噴霧水流均勻,液滴大小中等采用單元組合式連接方式,方便安裝和更換可加裝過濾網,方便清洗。
金屬加工清洗、噴霧涂層、噴射冷卻、清除油漬污漬、電鍍線沖洗、農產品清洗;食品、鋼鐵、造紙等行業(yè)清洗、噴涂和冷卻等應用;印制線路板清洗、顯、影和蝕刻等制程、雨淋試驗、噴射冷卻、半導體清洗、彩管玻殼清洗、LCD 玻璃切割清洗。
尺寸:常見尺寸 1/8 、3/8 、1/4、 3/4 、1/2 、1寸 、1.5寸 、2寸、 3寸
Narrow Angle of nozzle, wide-angle spray nozzle, an nozzle, monomer type fan nozzle, self-cleaning fan nozzle, flat fan nozzle, dovetail fan nozzle clamp type fan nozzle, quick release fan nozzle, lateral jet fan nozzle, general fan nozzle.
General application: washing of gravel, high impact cleaning, remove oily be soiled, fruit and vegetable washing, paper machine 'steady paper box' spray
Materials: stainless steel (SS304, 303, 316, 316 l), BRASS (BRASS), a variety of material such as plastic (4 f) to choose from.
Product parameters: the jet Angle of 60-170 degrees.In the 3 mpa pressure, the liquid flow rate range of 5.5 140 litres/min.Spiral nozzle thread size of a quarter, 3/8, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3/4,1,1-1/2 a variety of specifications, such as regular as the inch pipe thread, if you need other specifications of the screw thread please contact shenzhen he bo environmental protection equipment co., LTD, can provide the size of the internal thread or external thread joint.Fan-shaped spray form.
Product application:
Metal processing and cleaning, spray coating, spray cooling, remove grease stains, electroplating line flushing, produce clean;Food, steel, paper making industry applications such as cleaning, spraying and cooling;Printed circuit board cleaning, show, shadow and etching process, rain test, spray cooling, semiconductor cleaning, washing the color kinescope glass shell, LCD glass cutting cleaning.
Common size size: 1/8, 3/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1 inch, 1.5 inch, 2 inch, 3 inch
Pressure: 0 mpa to 15 mpa (common pressure 1 mpa, 2 mpa, 3 mpa, 4 mpa, 5 mpa, 10 mpa)
Traffic: 0 L/min - 1000 L/min (0.5 L/min, the common traffic 1 L/min, 5 L/min, 10 L/min, 20 L/min, 30 L/min)
Jet Angle: common degrees 30 °, 45 °, 60 °, 90 ° 120 °, 120 ° (can customize according to the demand Angle 0 ° and 360 °)
The Fijian zhuo Feizhuo siphon atomization nozzle design features:
Siphon is a fluid mechanics phenomenon, can need not pump and pumping liquid absorption.Siphon atomization nozzle decreased by increasing the pressure of a gas or liquid pressure to get more fine droplet spray, which leads to higher turnover of gas liquid flow rate.Siphon the micro droplet spray atomization nozzle, can volatilize very good humidification effect on the surrounding environment, the nozzle is the requirement of humidity control places ideal choice.The internal structure of s