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單價: 面議
發(fā)貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 天內發(fā)貨
所在地: 上海 普陀
有效期至: 2027-01-09
最后更新: 2015-03-27 09:38
瀏覽次數: 24





德國IGEMA是德國著名的液位計制造商,其產品有有機械液位計 浮球開關 電子鍋爐監(jiān)測和控制 閥門 蒸汽疏水閥等,產品廣泛地使用于鍋爐,石化及鋼鐵等領域.

IGEMA is your competent partner in measuring and control technology for steam and condensate systems. We focus on boiler monitoring (liquid level monitoring and conductivity) and heat engineering. Safe The operation of steam boilers is subject to high safety requirements. Therefore our products are manufactured in accordance with the current national and international control installations that ensure trouble-free operation of a steam boiler system. Our quality management guarantees the high product quality. For many years original equipment manufacturers and plant operators world-wide have been putting their trust in the reliable products with the IGEMA name. With us as a partner you have the steam under control! Efficient The efficiency of the control technology components influences the efficiency of the whole system to a considerable degree. IGEMA offers you long-lasting, fail-proof and low-maintenance measuring and control systems for the operation of the steam boiler plus innovative heat engineering for the optimum use of steam energy in the production process. You can count on the efficiency of our products! Friendly Steam is our passion. IGEMA is a medium-sized enterprise with a long tradition

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三菱柱塞泵,三菱重工柱塞泵 NAMBU南武油壓缸,南武油缸 Bunri過濾器,過濾裝置 YUTANI氣動馬達,氣錘 OKURA物流輸送裝置 MARUTA自動研磨機 TOKICO加油泵,分油泵 TADA熱交換器,多田熱交換器,
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